Steph is a National Certified Counselor and Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Colorado. She specializes in eating disorder treatment and many co-occuring mental health disorders such as anxiety/depression disorders, PTSD, complex trauma, personality disorders, substance use, grief work, self-esteem, identity work, and body image.
She received her undergraduate degree in Contemplative Psychology from Naropa University before graduating from Colorado State University and obtaining her master's degree in counseling and career development with a specialization in clinical mental health. Additionally, Steph obtained certification as a private chef from the school of natural cookery in Boulder, Colorado to inform her passion for providing culinary art therapy workshops. In healing her own eating disorder and working in a variety of residential and outpatient settings, Steph is passionate about holistically treating eating disorders by being rooted in trauma-informed care, Health at Every Size, social justice, and mindfulness.
Steph identifies as a white, mostly-able-bodied, queer, spiritual woman living with chronic illness. Steph has lived experience navigating her own ED recovery, chronic health, motherhood, and trauma. She is also a mother to an elementary school kiddo, and five fur children. As an individual who lives with an autoimmune disease, Steph feels drawn to helping clients navigate experiences of medical diagnoses that interplay within eating disorder recovery through validating the complexities of healing, cultivating body neutrality, and increasing emotional awareness and self-compassion.
Together, we can co-create a therapeutic relationship that promotes embodiment, safety, and wellness that best suits client needs.
My Therapeutic Lens
I view the world through a social justice lens by recognizing the intersectionalities of systemic oppression and identity. Within this, I do my best as a counselor and human to model reflexivity and practice continued self-awareness. I am committed to being a lifelong learner of the universe.
I believe in honoring clients’ innate inner wisdom and healing capacity by engaging in narrative experiences and curiosity within a safe space.
I recognize the challenges that arise in healing an eating disorder in a society that is rampaged by fatphobia and perpetuates diet culture. I strive to be a part of holistic approaches to mental health treatment that both validate the complexity of eating disorder recovery and create meaningful change in treatment.
Navigating a human experience can be messy and often scary. Entering therapy is a brave and powerful step, and I am so glad you are here. Vulnerability can be hard! I believe that showing up as your authentic self is best explored through self-love, self-compassion, and self-awareness.
& Trainings
Licensed Professional Counselor in Colorado (LPC.0020011)
National Certified Counselor
Private Chef Certification
Shambhala Warrior Mindfulness Training: Level II
Grief & Bereavement Training
Unlearning Fatphobia & Diet Culture Training
CAC Level I Study
Trauma-Informed Care